Treatments | Orthopaedic Surgery | Spinal and Neurosurgery | Total Disc Replacement | St Josephs Hospital - Newport South Wales
St Joseph's Hospital St Joseph's Hospital

Total Disc Replacement

This procedure aims to relieve pain caused by discogenic pain in the lumbar area by replacing a diseased disc with a metal prosthetic disc. The new disc is designed to restore disc space and height, to restore flexibility and to minimise the risk of disc degeneration. The discs are manufactured in various sizes your consultant will choose the most appropriate for you.

Hospital stay

On average your hospital stay will be five days. You may be required to come into hospital the day before your surgery in order to have pre-surgery bowel preparation. The first night post surgery will be spent in our High Dependency Unit (HDU). This allows staff to closely observe you overnight and provides you with one-to-one care.

You will be able to sit up a few hours after surgery and lie on your side if that is more comfortable. Once you anaesthetist and surgeon are satisfied that your bowel is functioning well you will be encouraged to drink fluids. Once fluids are tolerated you can commence with a light diet.

You will be returned to the ward once the anaesthetist and surgeon are satisfied with your progress.

If recovery is sufficient, the day following surgery you will see one of our physiotherapists and commence mobilisation. The proceeding days you will be assisted to mobilise, each day mobilising more frequently and undertaking more tasks independently, such as washing and dressing.

During your stay you will be seen by the clinical nurse specialist daily. They will be able to answer any queries or concerns you may have.

Information given are guidelines and may vary from patient to patient.


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