This may be useful in the early stages of arthritis, however the effects are often temporary.
Arthroscopic debridement
A minimally invasive technique, generally for patients with moderately severe symptoms but lesser degrees of x-ray changes.
Open debridement
Debridement either by arthroscopic ‘keyhole’ surgery or by the standard ‘open’ procedure involves removal of any loose cartilage within the joint and fine drilling into small areas lacking cartilage. This allows new, though poor quality cartilage, to form in drilled areas. In addition the excess arthritic bone (osteophytes) which form on the top edge of the joint are removed. This should allow an increased range of extension (upwards movement) post-operatively.
Debridement is performed as a day case and a rigid bandage is applied afterwards. A physiotherapist will ensure you are able to mobilise with crutches and generally you are allowed to weight-bear as much as is comfortable. You will return to see the consultant two weeks after your surgery and be instructed on exercises to minimise stiffness. Gradual return to full function will occur.
Keller’s/Hamilton’s arthroplasty
A good option in the less mobile, more elderly patient. This involves removal of one side of the painful joint and stops the pain of the arthritic joint however the big toe sometimes becomes floppy.
The two joint surfaces which are generating the pain due to osteoarthritis are removed and the remaining joint fuses as part of the normal healing process following surgery. The joints are fixated together utilizing screws.
Similar to an ankle fusion, the joints either side from the fused joint can take over some of the original function of the affected joint.
You will need to keep your foot elevated for the first 48 hours. You will be given crutches and generally will be able to weight bear as comfortable – your surgeon will advise. All bandaging will be removed after two weeks, however it normally takes six weeks before you are able to wear your normal shoes. It will take approximately 6-12 weeks for the bones to fuse fully and then there are no restrictions on activity, although you may find due to restricted movement you are limited on the height of heel that you can wear.
Your surgeon will discuss if a replacement is an option in your case and will outline the benefits and risks of surgery.