Artificial lens implant
Eye clinic
Are you struggling with your vison? Or experiencing discomfort in your eyes? Our team of specialised are here for you, when you need it.
Conditions and treatments
St Joseph’s offers the following Eye clinic treatments:
Astigmatism assessment
Correction of entropion
Cataract surgery
Correction of ptosis of eye lid
Correction of ectropion
Correction of squint
Dry eye syndrome
Excision lesion of the eye lid
Eyelid cyst removal
Tearing eye surgery
Laser eye treatment (YAG laser capsulotomy)
Refractive lens exchange surgery
Short-sightedness (myopia)
Excision of a lesion
Laser treatment for Glaucoma
Upcoming patient events
Cardiac MRI Course for Radiographers
Patient Reviews
Contact us
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