Hand and Wrist
Mr Andrew Rogers was born in Newport, Wales. He attended medical school in Cardiff qualifying as a doctor in 1992.
He undertook his orthopaedic training on the welsh rotation and passed his FRCS Orth exam and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 2001. He was granted his certificate of completion of specialist training (CCST) in 2002.
During his orthopaedic training, he became interested in hand surgery, and this led to him undergoing two hand surgery fellowships the first was at the Pulvertaft Hand Centre Derby and the second in the USA was at the world-famous Christine M Kleinert Institute of Hand and Microsurgery.
Upon returning to the UK he took up an orthopaedic post at the Royal Gwent Hospital Newport where as well as undertaking general orthopaedic treatments he has increasingly sub-specialised in hand surgery. He has an extensive NHS practice seeing and treating over one thousand patients annually and is currently the hand surgery clinical lead for the Aneurin Bevan Healthcare Trust.
Outside of active family life he maintains an interest in Rugby and is an instructor for both the English and Welsh Rugby Union for their Pre Hospital Immediate Care in Sport Courses.
Andrew Rogers treats the following conditions:
Nerve Compressions
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Radial Tunnel Syndrom
Pronator Syndrome
Clawed Fingers
Dupuytren's disease
Trigger Finger
Tendon Problems
Tendon Inflammation ( Tenosynovitis) eg Dequervains disease
Trigger Fingers
Tendon and Nerve Lacerations
Fractures to the Wrist and Hand e.g. scaphoid/ radius
Dislocations to fingers and wrist bones
Scapholunate ligament injuries
Hand Lumps
Mucous cysts
Soft tissue tumours
Hand and Wrist Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Elbow Conditions
Fractures and dislocations to the elbow
Ligament injuries
Distal Biceps rupture
Degenerative conditions
Golfers and Tennis elbow