Dr Nimal Balaratnam
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Qualified from Nottingham University 1991. Formerly Specialist Registrar the Welsh Deanery 1995. Further research and endoscopy training Swansea University 1999 in Helicobacter Pylori, colonoscopy and endomucosal resection. Appointed Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Royal Gwent Hospital 2003. Pioneer and clinical lead of the Capsule Endoscopy service.
He is the clinical lead within gastroenterology in clinical governance, undergraduate teaching and endoscopy training at the Royal Gwent Hospital. He actively participates in postgraduate teaching.
Trained in all disciplines of gastroenterology, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy. Special interest in capsule endoscopy, obscure anaemias, inflammatory/diarrhoeal and functional bowel disease.